Our team of SEO experts has spent years perfecting strategies that are proven to rank you faster and get your business in front of new customers. Bluesoft Design has the knowledge and resources you need to take your business to the top.

Why Bluesoft Design?


SEO goes beyond just traffic and sales to help with all parts of your marketing journey.
Bluesoft Design specializes in curating complex growth strategies that will earn meaningful results & drive your company further.

Fixed Rate

SEO campaigns are all labor based. Your traffic & sales will continue to scale while your costs stay the same.

Long Lasting Impact

Your keywords will continue to rank and traffic will continue to come in even if you ultimately cancel your service.

Conversion-Driven Results

SEO works to build your organic rankings which are the most trustworthy Google results and most likely to convert.

Improves Other Marketing Efforts

An improved organic reputation can help grow your other marketing efforts like PPC and email marketing.



Take a look at our latest success case and the power behind real SEO growth.

Game Liquidations

Setting Up The
Right Strategy

We don’t just focus on nearsighted one-dimensional results. We prioritize big-picture long-lasting results that will yield long-lasting growth for your business. Our strategy has been honed & refined over the years in-line with Google’s latest algorithm updates to bring in the right traffic that will help you grow.

Conversion Rate
Onsite Technical
Audit & Fixes
Content Writing
Backlink Buillding
Strategy Consultations
Review Building
Customer Retention
Market Expansion


What You Need To Know

See answers below to the most common SEO questions

What makes SEO better than other marketing campaigns?

SEO marketing is one of the most cost-effective marketing strategies in the long run. Unlike other PPC marketing campaigns, SEO is a flat rate fee, not a variable cost. So, with that, your traffic rises month-to-month and your sales along with it but your costs stay fixed. You can always raise your cost to get more monthly deliverables and speed up the rate of the campaign but keeping your cost fixed wont prevent growth.

SEO also helps improve your other marketing efforts as well. Having a stronger organic reputation can help build your relevancy for other keywords and help get cheaper clicks on PPC campaigns. It can also help build your email lists for email marketing campaigns.

Finally, SEO results are longer-lasting. With traditional PPC, once you stop paying for the service, your results disappear. With SEO, you still maintain your ranking & traffic gains until you are outranked, even after discontinuing the service.

How do I know if SEO is right for me?

Like any other marketing strategy, SEO can take time to scale and become profitable. It’s a long-term marketing strategy and a long-term investment. We recommend, before considering SEO, that you have other consistent revenue streams for your business (PPC, sales from other marketplaces, brick & mortar sales, etc.) to avoid any financial hardships during the campaign.

You should also consider the value of your average sale and the lifetime value of your customer. There are strategies we employ to help raise those values but, if your average sale or lifetime value is too low, it will take a significant amount of time & traffic to build up enough sales to be a profitable campaign.

Can I pick my keywords?

We encourage our clients to allow us to choose the keywords on their behalf as most clients do not have access to the same data and insight that our SEO team has.

Keyword selection is one of the most crucial parts of an SEO campaign. Many clients will think they know which keywords are worth pursing but may not realize how often those keywords are searched per month or the level of competition behind those keywords.

When selecting keywords, we choose keywords that:

  • Are relevant to your goals
  • Have the proper intent
  • Have good search volume
  • Have a low level of competition
  • Have a good chance of ranking in a reasonable timeframe.

You can always make suggestions for keywords and we will take that into consideration when making our selection. And, we will always send our keyword suggestions to you for approval before targeting them in a campaign.

Can you tailor your SEO services to my industry/niche?

Absolutely. Bluesoft Design has experience working with over 30+ different industries over the years. Our SEO strategy is robust and can be tailored to work with many different scenarios.

Our content writers do extensive research into your industry, your competitors and your offering to write engaging & well researched content that resonates with your users.

We also customize the acquisition strategy on your site depending on your conversion goals, your audience targeting and your average order & customer values.

What should I go with? Google Ads or SEO?

Both Google Ads & SEO have their pros and cons when it comes to marketing. PPC traditionally yields results faster than SEO but can also be a lot more expensive that SEO. SEO, on the other hand, is a lot more cost effective but takes a lot longer to yield results.

If your budget permits, the best case scenario is doing a dual Google Ads & SEO strategy. Both marketing types complement one another and will help each other grow and rank faster.

If you are new to marketing, we recommend starting with SEO before considering Google Ads. SEO results are longer lasting, more cost effective and the positive results from an SEO campaign will help improve the results of your Google Ads campaign.

How long does it take to grow my traffic with SEO?

There is no guaranteed timeframe when it comes to SEO. The time it takes to build your traffic can depend on a variety of different factors:

  • Your existing Google rankings
  • Your industry
  • How new your website is
  • If you have had any bad SEO done on your site
  • The amount of content we put out every month

An average estimated timeframe to start seeing significant traffic increases is minimum 6 months and can range anywhere between 6-12 months. If your site is relatively new, you’re likely to be on the higher end of the estimate. Established sites usually have an easier time at ranking faster.

What kind of communication can I expect during the campaign?

Throughout the campaign, you will have access to a custom dashboard & worksheet of labor completed during the campaign. These 2 resources will give you up-to-date reporting on all work performed during the campaign and the results they’re bringing in.

You will also receive an automated report once a month with a snapshot of the current stats of your site and an email from your project manager with general campaign updates and any suggests we have to improve the campaign.

You will be working alongside your project manager who you can meet with once a month to do a deep dive into the campaign.

How do you measure the success of an SEO campaign?

During the campaign, we have both short-term goals & long-term goals that we measure. We measure those results using KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). These are concrete numbers that we can look at to see that our efforts are pushing us in the right direction. Some short term goals would include:

  • Higher on-site conversion rate for existing traffic
  • Google associating us with keywords that we’re targeting
  • Lower bounce rates which mean that users are staying on-site longer
  • Increase in total keywords Google is ranking you for

Long term goals typically come in later in the campaign and are more of the traditional results you expect from a campaign:

  • More organic traffic
  • More conversions
  • Better Google reputation

It’s important to recognize both the short-term & long-term results to understand the full value given during an SEO campaign.


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