7 Tips to Get Rid of that High Bounce Rate

A bounce rate is a metric that measures how many visitors leave your website without fully engaging with it. In most cases, this means they clicked on one page and left the site altogether. A high bounce rate can be alarming for your business because you are not attracting enough of the correct type of visitors to your site. However, you can do things to decrease your bounce rates and bring in more revenue! 

On this page, we will break down ten tips that will help get rid of those pesky bounces! These tips were written by a web design agency with tons of knowledge on what it takes to lower bounce rates. 

1. Make Sure Your Website is Mobile-Friendly

More and more people are browsing the internet on their phones and tablets, so your website must look great on all devices. If your site isn’t mobile-friendly, you will likely see a high bounce rate because visitors will leave frustrated that they can’t navigate your website correctly. 

Make sure to test your website on different devices and browsers to ensure that it looks great no matter where people are viewing it from.

If you’re not sure how to make your website mobile-friendly, there are plenty of online resources that can help. Hiring a web design agency is another good idea to consider if you need help optimizing for mobile devices. 

2. Optimize Your Website for Search Engines

If the right people can’t find your website, they’re not going to have the opportunity to stick around long enough to help your bounce rates. That’s why it is crucial to optimize your website for search engines so that you can be found by potential customers.

You can do several things to improve your SEO, and a great web design agency will have a complete formula to help you. However, some of the basics include using keywords in your titles and descriptions, adding images and videos, and making sure your website is easy to navigate.

If you’re not sure where to start, consider hiring a web development agency to help you get started.

3. Write Quality Content for Current and Potential Customers

Nobody will want to stay on your website if your web copy is poorly written. Your web design agency can help you make sure that the content on your site is appealing to current customers and potential ones. There are a few tips you should follow when writing content: 

  • Write in a clear, concise manner
  • Use keywords to help people find your website 
  • Make sure the content is relevant to your target audience 
  • Add images and videos for extra appeal 

If you’re not sure how to write quality web copy, consider hiring a web development agency specializing in content writing. This will be the best way to optimize your content to avoid high bounce rates. 

4. Use Eye-Catching Graphics and Animations

Graphics and animations are a great way to engage website visitors and keep them on your site longer. If you can find a web design agency specializing in graphics and animations, you will create an engaging website that will decrease bounce rates. 

Some things to consider when adding graphics and animations to your website include: 

  • Use appealing colors and fonts 
  • Keep animations simple and to a minimum 
  • Make sure graphics are relevant to your business 

Graphics and animations can be a great way to improve your website’s overall look and feel. If you’re not sure how to add them, or if you need help finding a web design agency that specializes in graphics, be sure to consider Blue Soft Design. 

5. Include Calls to Action

call to action

A web design agency will be able to help you add calls-to-action (CTAs) throughout your website. CTAs are a great way to let visitors know that what they’re reading or watching is relevant and helpful, encouraging them to stay on the site for more extended periods. 

You can include CTAs in web copy, web forms, buttons on images and videos, widgets like chat boxes or contact forms across your entire website (on every page), etc. If you draw further attention, your users will stay on the site and keep your bounce rates down. 

6. Make It Easy to Navigate Your Website

If visitors can’t easily find their way around your website, they will leave and likely not return. That’s why a web design agency must make sure there are no dead ends or confusing web pages on your site. 

Some things you should consider when making changes include : 

  • The layout of your web pages 
  • The navigation bar and menus 
  • How easy it is to find contact information 
  • The fonts and colors you use 

All the elements on your website must work together so that visitors have a positive experience and are encouraged to stay longer. A web design agency will help you make sure that your website is easy to navigate.

7. Use Web Forms for Subscription and Contact

One of the easiest ways to improve your bounce rate is using web forms on every page. A webform can help you engage customers while keeping your bounce rates down, which is important in today’s competitive marketplace. 

You should avoid using pop-ups or exit intent technology when asking people to subscribe, as this can often only frustrate web visitors and cause them to leave your website for good, and even spike up your bounce rates! 

There are a few things you should keep in mind when creating web forms: 

  • Keep the form short and simple 
  • Ask for the minimum amount of information 
  • Use clear labels, so people know what they’re supposed to do

Looking for Some Professional Help?


If you’re looking for ways to decrease your bounce rate, consider hiring a web design agency. They will help you with web design, web development, SEO, and content writing. If you want to hire a web development agency proven to excel at helping improve bounce rates, give us a call here at Blue Soft Design. 

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