How to Get Started with Shopify in 2022

Are you looking for an eCommerce platform for selling products? If so, then Shopify might be the right option for you. Over the years, it has continued to grow in popularity and is now one of the most popular platforms on the internet. If you are new to online sales, though, you might need the help of a Shopify web designer to make a highly-converting site. On this page, we will provide an overview of what Shopify is all about and how to get started with it!

What is Shopify?

Shopify is an eCommerce platform that allows businesses to create their own online stores. It has more than 7,000 employees worldwide, and new shops are being built all the time. To put this in perspective, the number of sites grew 62% between just March 13, 2020 and April 24, 2020 alone. 

You can create an account and begin building your store with zero experience. It is perfect for new businesses and eCommerce experts looking to expand their online presence and grow revenue! Since beginners tend to make some rookie mistakes when making their first store, they often seek out the help of Shopify store development teams. 

Steps for Getting Started on Shopify

To get started with Shopify, you will need first to do some background research. Don’t worry, though, we are here to help. Here are the steps that you need to follow, drafted by a professional Shopify web designer. Keep these in mind before getting started on your site. 

1. Make an Account

The first thing that you will need to do is create an account on Shopify. Typically, this will be the easiest part of getting started. When making your account, you will need to fill in some basic personal information. 

Don’t worry about payment methods quite yet, as this will be something to consider once you get closer to making sales. Typically, people won’t need professional Shopify store development to get past this step. 

2. Consider your Niche

It’s time for a reality check; you won’t become the next Amazon simply by making a Shopify store. Instead, what you need to do is find a niche that you are interested in. If there is something about your passion or hobby that others want to learn more about, then consider building a store around it! 

For example, if you have extensive knowledge of gardening and love sharing it with other people, this could be the perfect topic for an online shop. If you need help finding a niche that sells, a Shopify web designer is a great place to turn.

3. Keyword Research! 

Once you narrow down what type of shop you want, it’s time to think about keywords. Ensure that your shop name consists of keywords related to the products and services offered to increase search engine rankings!

If you are new to SEO and online stores, you will likely need the help of professional Shopify store development to find out what keywords to target. This is not something to take lightly, either! Your keywords are the backbone of your site. 

4. Make a Beautiful Design

beautiful website design

The nice thing about Shopify is that it makes it simple to create an attractive website. You can choose from a wide variety of themes and customize them however you like. If your website doesn’t look professional, though, potential customers will not visit it! 

A Shopify web designer has the experience to create an attractive design that helps drive traffic to your site. You might want to consider working with one if you don’t have much experience with web design. 

5. Add in Your Products

With your web design out of the way, it’s time to start adding products. You can now start building your store by uploading pictures of your products, putting in prices, adjusting sales funnel layouts, and so on! 

This is something that you will need to spend quite a bit of time on. Don’t underestimate the importance of photos, descriptions, font, bullet points, and, eventually, reviews! 

6. Test Out Your Sales with an Ad

Once you have some products up, it’s time to test out how much they will sell. The best way to do this is by running an ad. This is where you will pay for people to visit your website and make them aware of its existence! 

This step can be challenging but well worth it if done right. It requires knowledge in SEO, web design, marketing, and much more! When done right, you can quickly get some pretty good sales on your product! 

However, be sure that you also have your payment options set up before running an ad. This way, you can be sure to collect the money that you make on your sales! 

7. Consider a Professional Shopify Store Developer

Getting started with something new is always tricky. If you don’t have much experience running online stores, consider working with a professional shop developer to get your store up and running! 

After all, this will be the best way to ensure that everything runs smoothly from day one! With multiple years of experience in the industry, a Shopify web designer will be able to help you build an attractive design and add all of your products with ease.

Therefore, if you have reached this step and are still struggling to get some sales, you might need professional Shopify store development. 

Need Professional Help with Your New Shopify Site?

professional shopify designer

If you are looking for professional Shopify store development with a proven track record of success, look no further than Bluesoft Design. With tons of experience helping people like you reach their goals for income, we know what it takes to get your Shopify site started on the right foot. Give us a call today for a free quote. 

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