10 Mistakes to Avoid When Starting an eCommerce Business

You’re finally ready to start your own e-commerce website. After months of planning and preparation, you’ve finally made the plunge. Now what? There are a lot of important decisions that need to be made before you can open up for business. You may have a domain name, hosting account, and perhaps even the help of an e-commerce website development company. 

However, there is still so much left to know and understand! On this page, we will talk about 10 mistakes that new online store owners make from day one that could potentially sink their entire operation.

1. Choosing the Wrong Product

Starting an e-commerce business can be a lucrative proposition, but it also requires patience and hard work. For those who are not sure what to sell online, you must do your research first before making any decisions about products or services that will be offered on your site. It is important to take time evaluating potential product ideas.

2. Having a Mediocre Website

Professional web design services may cost a little more upfront, but help you save money over time, and leave you with a higher quality product right from the get-go, complete with everything needed to simply hand the keys over. If you want to avoid mediocrity and get a high-quality website right from the start, hire the experts. 

3. Doing It Yourself

There is no shame in asking for help! If you are someone who is new to web design, eCommerce web design services may be the way to go if only because of the extra value-added. Typically, they have access to tools and plugins that you would otherwise have to invest much more than the typical site cost to get. 

4. Thinking Sales Come Immediately After the Site Publishes

Your website will, literally, be just another brick in the wall without marketing strategies. You need to find ways to build traffic to your site to ensure that you get sales. On the contrary, tThe web design services of an eCommerce website development company can help establish a marketing plan to drive traffic your way, and keep it coming! 

5. Not Having a Way to Track Customers

It’s important to know your customer, especially in online retail. eCommerce web design services thrive in helping you out with things like analytics packages that will log these details for you automatically. If you know what you’re doing, you know that these aren’t that hard to set up. In any case, this is something that you need to take seriously! Otherwise, you’ll wonder why you’re not getting the conversions that others are. 

In addition to tracking your customers, you should give them a chance to provide feedback and reviews. This will help tremendously as well! If they know that their words matter, it’s easy for them to feel valued by your business and come back in the future.

6. Not Using Social Media

It’s OK to be a little bit intimidated by social media. You may not know where to begin, or what the best practices are for establishing an online web presence. It is possible for eCommerce sites to get some serious income just by having social media accounts and running a few ads. 

Most eCommerce web design services can handle the process of setting up social media accounts and running ads for you, or they can provide guidance. Either way, this is a necessary step in establishing an online web presence and reaching customers who are searching for your products!

7. Not Offering Any Kind of Guarantee

Put yourself in your customer’s shoes. If you’re looking to make a big purchase online, and the web design services company that is offering it cannot provide any sort of guarantee for their service or product, why would you bother giving them money? 

Even if you have great reviews, customers like to know that there is an opportunity for refunds, warranties, and so on. This is part of the way that you, as the salesman, can show confidence in your product and ensure customers that they will get what they receive – no matter what! 

8. Not Taking Security Seriously

Security is a big deal these days! It’s something that you should take seriously too. Just about any of the top eCommerce web design services will tell you how easy it is to get your site hacked. As a typical eCommerce site owner, you will not know what to do when you log into your website, only to have it redirect over to spam sites.

Not to mention, a major security breach like this can absolutely destroy your online reputation in a matter of days. Therefore, you need to have a plan for website security in place, backed up by the opinion and experience of IT professionals. 

9. Not Optimizing the Site for Mobile

More and more web traffic is coming from mobile devices. It’s important to make sure that you have a site design that will allow users of all screen sizes to navigate easily. eCommerce web design services can handle this process, or they can guide you through it without too much trouble! 

Besides optimizing your web design for mobile, you also need to make sure that your web development process is up-to-date. Otherwise, it’s easy to fall behind on web security updates and other critical changes that can keep your site secure!

10. Not Hiring eCommerce Web Design Services

If you’re reading this, then chances are that you’ve made at least one of these mistakes. You might not think that it’s possible to find high-quality web design services that are reasonable, honest, and fair. However, this is far from the truth.

Looking for eCommerce Web Design Services?

ecommerce website design

If you are on the lookout for top-quality eCommerce web design services, look no further than Bluesoft Design. We proudly offer web design services that will help your eCommerce site succeed and grow. From creation to marketing, we will help ensure that your site grows and generates sales. 


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