7 Ways to Boost Your Website Traffic

We all want to see our website traffic go up, but it can be hard to figure out what exactly is holding you back when the numbers aren’t quite rising without the help of a professional website designer! You might have many visitors but not many conversions. Or, your website may not rank quite well in Google search results for popular keywords that your target audience is searching for. There is always room for improvement, in any case! We’ll give you 10 tips for getting more traffic on your site on this page!

1. Optimize Each Page for On-Page SEO

One of the most critical factors in getting your website seen by more people is optimizing each page for on-page SEO by web designers in NJ. This means including the right keywords and phrases in your titles, meta descriptions, and throughout the body of your content. You can use tools like Google AdWords Keyword Planner to find popular keywords that your target audience is searching for and use these to create titles that will get clicks.

2. Get Backlinks and Guest Posts for Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO is just as important as on-page SEO, and one of the best ways to improve it is by getting backlinks and guest posts. Backlinks are links from other websites that point back to your site, and guest posts are articles written by you that are published on other people’s blogs. Content syndication is another excellent way to get backlinks. You can search for sites that accept guest posts and contact them about submitting an article. A professional website designer can also help secure guests posts for you!

Getting more traffic through off-page SEO means taking the time to find blogs in your industry or related industries that are willing to write articles about topics relevant to your business. More than likely, they will be ready to work out a deal with you if you want to publish on their site and secure a backlink!

3. Find Relevant Forums and Respond to Questions

You can also get more traffic by participating in relevant online forums without the help of a professional website designer. Look for popular sites that discuss topics related to your business, or search Google for “(your industry) forum” to find out where professionals are talking about the topic you want to write on! Once there, make an account and participate in discussions! 

Typically, the best way to handle this is by giving a short informative answer and then linking to your site. You can also search for questions that people are asking and answer them! This will not only get you more traffic on your website, but it’s a way to position yourself as an expert in your industry. This way, the moderators will not see you as somebody simply trying to leech in new traffic at all costs. 

4. Publish Weekly Blog Posts

Another great way to get more website traffic is by publishing weekly blog posts. Not only will this keep your site fresh and updated, but it also gives you a chance to target new keywords and topics that people are searching for. You can use Google AdWords Keyword Planner to find out what these keywords are or a premium service of your choosing!

A great idea is to hire web designers in NJ with their own staff for content creation, design, and uploading. This way, you can focus on your business and let a professional website designer concentrate on things like your content and SEO.

5. Interlink Your Blog Posts

blog internallinking

Professional website designers typically recommend linking your blog posts to each other. This is good for crawling, indexing, and general SEO purposes because it will increase the number of pages on your site that Google likes seeing! Try to link between related topics whenever possible. 

Another great way you can interlink your blog posts is by using keywords as anchor text. This can give you better rankings if done right because it allows Google to figure out what topics are related to each other on your website and link them together organically!

When professional web designers create a new page for SEO purposes through professional SEO services, they typically want that page to be indexed as soon as possible. One way to do this is by interlinking it with existing pages on your website that are already indexed.

6. Optimize Your Images

Images play a significant role on websites, and they can be optimized to improve your site’s SEO. Not only should you use keywords as the file name for your images, but you should also include them in the alt text and title tags! This will help Google understand what the image is about, leading to better rankings for your site!

To make sure that you’re correctly optimizing your images, secure the help of a professional website designer. They likely have tools ready at their disposal that can help shrink and optimize your photos to make images load much more quickly. 

7. Include Call-to-Action Buttons

Professional web designers will typically recommend including buttons on your site that link to other pages to get more website traffic. Make sure you include them in between paragraphs of blog posts and articles so people can easily find the page they’re looking for without hassle! 

It would be best to make these call-to-action buttons noticeable and professional. Web designers in NJ can do this by using a suitable color scheme, font size, and image format for your site’s design.

Another great idea is to incentivize users into clicking on these call-to-action buttons! Try including some free content or even coupons that they can claim after clicking through.

Need to Get Some Web Design Help?

Web Design

If you want to get some help from professional web designers in NJ, then Bluesoft Design is here to help! We can handle all of your professional website design needs and even help you out with your traffic! Get in touch with us today to learn more about what we can do for you and your websites!

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