Shopify Retargeting: How It Works and Why You Need It

Ever noticed how those shoes you were just checking out online seem to magically appear everywhere you look? It’s not your imagination – it’s the internet playing matchmaker between you and your potential purchases. It’s not magic, it’s Shopify retargeting – a secret weapon for smart online shops. This unique marketing method gently reminds potential customers about the awesome stuff they left behind, giving them a second chance to fall in love and click “buy.”

What is Shopify Retargeting?

It’s a tiny snippet of code that acts like a detective, tracking what you do on a website. This helps online stores like those on Shopify learn about your interests, so they can show you ads for things you’re actually into.

  • The pixel tracks visitor actions like viewing products or adding items to the cart.
  • This data is used to build an audience of active visitors from the last 30 days.

It’s kinda like leaving a trail of breadcrumbs as you shop online. The Meta Pixel gathers those breadcrumbs, and Shopify uses them to create personalized ads tailored just for you. So, while you’re scrolling through your social media or checking out other websites, you might see those shoes again, gently reminding you that they’re still waiting for you.

But it gets even cooler! Facebook dynamic retargeting ads are like having a personal shopper in your pocket. They create a custom carousel of products just for you, showcasing the ones you’ve shown interest in.

Types of Retargeting

Shopify retargeting isn’t just about pixels and code, it’s about two different approaches that work together like a dynamic duo:

  1. Pixel-based Retargeting: Imagine a tiny detective on your website, leaving behind invisible clues (cookies) on your visitors’ browsers. Platforms like Google Ads, TikTok, and Meta then use these clues to track what your visitors are up to online. This lets them serve up relevant ads, like a friendly reminder of that awesome product your visitor was eyeing.
  2. List-based Retargeting: This one’s a bit more direct. You take your existing customer list (those email addresses you’ve collected) and share it with social media platforms like Facebook or LinkedIn. They match those emails with their users, and voilà!

Both methods aim to bring potential customers back to your store, but they differ in their data collection and targeting approach. Pixel-based retargeting is more dynamic and can capture recent interactions, while list-based retargeting allows for more specific audience targeting based on existing customer information.

Benefits of Shopify Retargeting

Shopify retargeting isn’t just a powerful tool, it’s a secret weapon that gives you a leg up in the bustling world of online shopping.

Increased Brand Awareness

Think of retargeting as your brand’s trusty sidekick. It keeps your Shopify store front and center in the minds of those who’ve shown an interest, even if they haven’t hit that “buy now” button yet. Those recurring ads act like friendly reminders, strengthening your brand’s presence and making it more likely folks will come back for another look.

Imagine having your very own shopping wingman, someone who knows your taste better than you do. That’s the power of retargeting. It’s like a virtual shopping buddy who whispers sweet deals and product suggestions in your ear, nudging you towards that “add to cart” button. Whether you’re just browsing for fun or ready to treat yourself, retargeting ads are there to guide you through the journey, making the whole experience feel like it was tailor-made just for you.

Higher Conversion Rates

Retargeting isn’t just about reminding folks about your products; it’s about turbocharging your sales for ideal conversion rate optimization on Shopify. By focusing on people who’ve already shown interest, you’re way more likely to turn them into loyal customers. Studies have shown that retargeted ads are way more effective at closing deals compared to those generic ads you see online.

Improved ROI

Here’s the cherry on top: retargeting can be your secret weapon for rescuing those abandoned carts. Let’s face it, most online shoppers are a bit indecisive (we’ve all been there!). With a whopping 70% of folks leaving their shopping carts high and dry, retargeting swoops in to save the day. It’s like a gentle reminder that says, “Hey, remember those awesome goodies you were eyeing? They’re still waiting for you!”

And the best part? Shopify retargeting isn’t just about individual stores boosting their sales. It’s a collaborative effort that benefits the entire Shopify ecosystem. The more businesses jump on board, the more powerful the retargeting algorithm becomes. It’s a win-win situation where everyone gets to share in the data-driven insights and reap the rewards of improved targeting and skyrocketing sales.

Setting Up Retargeting on Shopify

Ready to unleash the power of retargeting and watch your Shopify sales soar? It’s easier than you might think! Let’s break down the simple steps that’ll have your retargeting campaigns up and running in no time.

Installing tracking pixel

Alright, let’s roll up our sleeves and get this done! Here’s your step-by-step guide to launching your Shopify retargeting campaign:

Step 1: Install the Meta Pixel: Think of the Meta Pixel as your retargeting secret weapon. It’s a tiny snippet of code that you seamlessly integrate into your Shopify store. This little helper tracks visitors’ actions and helps you create those laser-focused ads that appear on Facebook and Instagram.

Step 2: Create Custom Audiences: Now it’s time to get personal. The Meta Pixel unlocks the secrets of your shoppers, revealing how they engage with your store so you can tailor your ads to perfection. Did they have their eye on a specific product? Leave a forgotten treasure in their cart? Your ads can now whisper personalized messages that speak directly to their individual needs and desires.

Step 3: Craft Compelling Ads: This is where your creativity shines! Design eye-catching ads that remind those potential customers why they should come back to your store. Highlight the products they loved, offer a special discount, or simply remind them of the awesome experience they’ll have shopping with you.

Step 4: Launch and Monitor: Now it’s time to unleash your retargeting campaign on the world! Continually monitor its performance and tweak your strategies as needed. Remember, the beauty of retargeting is that it’s flexible, so you can always tweak things to optimize your results.

Creating audience segments

With the pixel in place, you can start sculpting audience segments that perfectly reflect your ideal customers. These segments allow you to group customers with similar characteristics for more targeted marketing.

  1. You can easily access your customer information by navigating to the “Customers” or “Segments” page within your Shopify admin dashboard.
  2. Feeling creative? You can create your own customer segments with Shopify’s segment editor. It’s a simple way to mix and match filters, operators, and values to target your ideal audience.
  3. Shopify’s pre-built customer segments and templates give you a running start in your retargeting efforts. Easily tailor them to your brand’s unique voice and watch your campaigns soar!
  4. Understand segment components: Before creating segments, familiarize yourself with the different components and filters used to build them.
  5. The Shopify Audiences app is your trusty retargeting sidekick, effortlessly creating and exporting lists of potential customers based on their unique behaviors and interests. It’s like having a digital matchmaker connecting your ads with the perfect audience, ensuring your messages resonate and inspire action.

Designing retargeting ads

With your pixel installed and audience segments created, it’s time to design your retargeting ads.

  1. Facebook dynamic retargeting ads are the way to go: They’re the ultimate personalized shopping experience, showcasing products your visitors have already shown interest in, right in their Facebook and Instagram feeds. It’s like having a virtual shop window tailored just for them.
  2. Personalize your ads: Use the data collected by your pixel to create personalized carousel ads for each visitor, showcasing products they’ve viewed or added to their cart.
  3. Make them live: Head to your Shopify dashboard, navigate to the “Marketing” section, and click “Create campaign.” Select “Facebook dynamic retargeting ad,” add your snappy ad copy, set a budget that works for you, and choose when you want your campaign to start and end.
  4. Consider different platforms: You can also retarget people with ads on other platforms like TikTok. Just make sure to install the appropriate pixel and complete the setup in the platform’s ad manager.
  5. Use Facebook Ads Manager: This is your command center for crafting those razor-sharp custom audiences that hit the bullseye. You can handpick potential customers based on all sorts of things – from those who simply visited your website to those who actively engaged with your brand on social media. You can even zero in on those who’ve taken specific actions on your site, like window shoppers who filled their carts but didn’t check out, or those who lingered on a particular product page, hinting at their interests.
  6. Tailor your approach: Consider your product type and typical buying behavior when choosing which segments to target and over what time period.

Remember, the beauty of this strategy is that it’s constantly evolving. So, don’t be afraid to experiment, tweak your approach, and fine-tune your campaigns to achieve those impressive results you’ve been dreaming of.

Best Practices for Effective Retargeting

Retargeting can work wonders for your online store, but it’s not just about throwing ads at random folks. It’s a strategic game, and playing your cards right can make all the difference. Here’s how to level up your retargeting game and win big:

Frequency Capping

Retargeting is a delicate dance. You want to stay top of mind without overstaying your welcome. You want to gently nudge customers towards your products without becoming an unwelcome presence. That’s where frequency capping comes in handy. Frequency capping is your friend when it comes to retargeting. It’s like knowing when to dial back the enthusiasm – you want folks to remember you, not feel bombarded by your ads.

Think of it like this: you wouldn’t want to be bombarded with calls from the same person three times in a row, would you? It’s the same principle with ads. You might set a limit of three ad views per person in a single day. It’s a delicate art, finding the sweet spot between reminding them of your awesomeness and respecting their online space.


Personalization is the magic ingredient that can elevate your retargeting campaigns from bland to brilliant. By tapping into data about what your audience likes, you can craft ads that speak directly to their interests and desires. It’s about having a personalized dialogue with each individual customer, rather than blasting generic messages into the abyss.

  1. Product Page Retargeting: This is like a gentle reminder to your potential customers about the awesome stuff they were just checking out. By showing ads featuring those very same products, you’re essentially saying, “Hey, remember how much you loved this? It’s still here waiting for you!”. This tactic is especially effective right after someone’s visited your site, so don’t wait too long to send that reminder!
  2. Dynamic Ads: These automatically update based on users’ browsing behavior, ensuring they see products they’re interested in, even if they’ve moved to another platform.
  3. Homepage and Collection Page Retargeting: For visitors who haven’t viewed specific products, focus on highlighting why your brand is great to do business with. Sprinkle in some social proof – customer reviews, testimonials, or even user-generated content – and highlight your awesome product range. It’s like inviting your potential customers to a virtual party where everyone’s raving about your stuff.
  4. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket! Cast a wider net and embrace a multi-channel strategy. Harmonize your email marketing with your retargeting ads to create a symphony of gentle reminders, ensuring your brand and products remain top-of-mind for potential customers.

A/B Testing

A/B testing isn’t just for lab coats; it’s a secret weapon in every marketer’s arsenal! Think of it as a playful duel between two versions of your ad. By pitting them against each other and analyzing the results, you’ll uncover the winning formula that captivates your audience.

  1. Set Clear Goals: Before you even start, define your destination. Are you aiming for increased sales? More clicks? Pinpoint your objective so you can tailor your tests accordingly.
  2. Test One Thing at a Time: To get reliable results, only change one thing between the two versions of your ad. This could be the words, the picture, the button, or anything else.
  3. Run the Test: Show each version to the same number of people for a set time. Two weeks is usually enough to see what’s working.
  4. Analyze the Results: Look at the data and compare it to your goal. The ad that performs better is the winner!
  5. Implement and Improve: Use the winning ad and start planning your next test.


Remember, even if a test doesn’t have a clear champion, you still walk away with valuable insights. It’s a win-win situation, as every test provides knowledge that can empower you to make smarter choices for your business.

Don’t Let Potential Customers Slip Through the Cracks!

Don’t let potential customers slip through the cracks! Bluesoft Design can help you reel them back in and turn those curious clicks into loyal customers with our proven Shopify retargeting strategies. Ready to watch your sales soar? Let’s chat!


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